Grooming the Beagle Shedding Process for Beagle Breed Coat is a protective layer that prevents the skin of an animal from being affected by the environment. Our pet's health depends on this protection. But healthy dog's coat is not just an indicator of his health, it is one of his most important elements. Proper coat care is just as critical as a balanced diet and the … [Read more...] about Beagle Shedding
Grooming, Health Care & Cleaning
Grooming & Health Care are essential elements for general well-being of your dog. If you understand basic rules of health care, know your pup's coat type and how to groom him, you both will benefit in the end: less hair at home, happy and neat dog. Here you will find reviews on the best brushes, shampoos, clippers on the market and tips how to choose what you need; grooming tips about shedding and many more.
Best Brush For Hungarian Vizsla Review
Choosing the Best Brush for Your Vizsla Vizslas are known for their active behavior. They're very smart, having been bred for hunting aims and outdoor activities. This breed is very easy to groom, but of course their short coat consistently sheds during their lifetime. To manage this, rubber brushes, gloves and deshedd shampoo help a lot. That will remove loose hairs from … [Read more...] about Best Brush For Hungarian Vizsla Review
Best Shampoo for Hungarian Vizsla Review
About Dog Shampoos in Brief Welcome to our Best Shampoo for Vizsla Review 2020, where we present all the dog shampoos we have tested in detail. We've put together all essential information for you, which should make your purchase decision easier and help you to find the best dog shampoo for your Vizsla. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions in our guide and … [Read more...] about Best Shampoo for Hungarian Vizsla Review
Best Shampoo For German Shorthaired Pointer Review
About Dog Shampoos in Brief Welcome to our Best Shampoo for German Shorthaired Pointer Review 2020, where we present all the dog shampoos we have tested in detail. We've put together all essential information for you, which should make your purchase decision easier and help you to find the best dog shampoo for your GSP. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions … [Read more...] about Best Shampoo For German Shorthaired Pointer Review
Best Brush For Miniature Schnauzer Review
What Kind of Hair Does a Miniature Schnauzer Have? One of the major breed features for all Schnauzers is the hair. And the Miniature Schnauzer is not an exception. It's rigid, coarse and wire-like. It protects your dog from skin damage and does not shed on its own. Much of the quality of a particular dog's coat depends on its genetics. However, even the most coarse dog will … [Read more...] about Best Brush For Miniature Schnauzer Review
German Shorthaired Pointer Shedding
Grooming of German Shorthaired Pointer As the name suggests, the German Shorthaired Pointer has short coat, which is very easy to groom. It is enough to brush it once a week with a brush or with a special glove to loosen dead hairs. Especially during the change of coat in Spring and Autumn, the following applies to reduce German Shorthaired Pointer shedding: The more often you … [Read more...] about German Shorthaired Pointer Shedding
Best Brushes For German Shorthaired Pointer Dogs Review
How to Choose the Best Brush For German Shorthaired Pointer German Shorthaired Pointers are known for their energetic and attentive behavior. They're very intelligent, having been historically bred for outdoor sporting and hunting purposes. If you ask yourself: do German Shorthaired Pointers shed?, we can say that one of their common physical traits is a short coat that … [Read more...] about Best Brushes For German Shorthaired Pointer Dogs Review
Fat Beagles. How To Keep Beagles In Shape
Why Do Beagles Get Fat? If you are reading this article about fat Beagles, then you probably already have this problem with your dog. Or you would like to avoid it in the future. You can read hundreds of articles about pleading Beagles' eyes. Or the idea that Beagles live to eat...) and a combination of these two factors leads to overeating and obesity. Let us not agree to the … [Read more...] about Fat Beagles. How To Keep Beagles In Shape
Schnauzers Grooming
Schnauzer Hand Stripping VS Clipper Grooming This article concerns all Schnauzers: Mini, Standard and Giant. Nowadays you can find plenty of articles and video courses how to simplify grooming and making a Schnauzer haircut easy. We kindly ask you to read our article before you bring your dog to a grooming saloon and make clipper grooming around the whole body! All … [Read more...] about Schnauzers Grooming