Labrador Retriever

Best Shock Collars for Labrador Retriever Review

Why Do I Need a Shock Collar for a Labrador Retriever?

There are many speculations on the needs and the benefits of shock collars used on canines during training. Let’s highlight this topic and take a comprehensive look inside the features and advantages of using shock collars. We will discuss the pros and cons of best shock collars for Labrador Retriever, and also highlight the process of buying an e-collar, using it correctly and dispatching all myths associated with it. 

E-collars or shock collars as a rule are used to correct your dog’s behavior. These collars are used for training all kinds of dog breeds. If your dog misbehaves or does anything that is not right, the owner can back an oral command with a shock collar. Such collars create a significant irritant – it can be a beep, a slight vibration or even a minute shock.  

Best Choice
Dog Care Training Collar
DOG CARE is devoted to studying pet behavioural psychology for better communication between humans and pets. Their shock collars train with respect. They are smart and ergonomic, delivering clear and safe signals. Highly recommended!
Read Verified Customer Reviews

Many Labrador Retriever pet parents dislike using electronic collars for training because some fear that such shock collars can aggravate their dog’s behaviour. Dog owners believe shock collars can make their dogs more aggressive, therefore difficult to keep around families. Another reason for their insecurity is that pet parents don’t know the right age to use shock collars on their dogs. It is important to dispel rumors and myths that surround the use of shock collars for training dogs. 

Modern shock collars are designed to improve your dog’s behaviour causing the least amount of discomfort, carefully framed to protect your dog from danger, unwanted consequences and spontaneous actions. Not only do you use e-collars in training but also during walks for e.g. if your dog tries to chase someone’s pet cat or tries to bite a passerby, especially in a scenario where there’s too much noise (oncoming traffic), the collar initiates an immediate response. Here’s a list of the best shock collars for Labrador Retrievers in the market.

5 Best Shock Collars for Labrador Retrievers – Overview & Rating

Author's Choice

Dog Care Training Collar
  • 3 modes: shock (gentle, low valtage), vibration and beep
  • 1-100 levels. Security keypad lock to prevent accidental shock
  • 100% Waterproof

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People's Choice

  • 3 modes: shock, vibration and beep
  • 16 shock levels
  • 100% Waterproof

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Premium Choice

Garmin Delta Sport XC Bundle + Bark Control Integrated
  • 3 modes: shock, vibration and beep
  • 36 levels of momentary and continuous stimulation plus tone and vibration. 5 correction configurations for different behavioral issues
  • 100% Waterproof

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Best Budget

TBI Pro Professional Shock Training Collar
  • 3 modes: shock, vibration and beep
  • Developed in The USA K-9 experts
  • 100% Waterproof

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Best Sock-free

Educator E-Collar Remote Dog Training Collar
  • 2 modes: tone and vibration (tapping sensation similar to vibration, but more intense, making it an effective addition to the stimulation). 1-100 intensity levels + additional booster 1-60 levels more). Tracking light and beeper
  • Ergonomic "stopwatch" design of transmitter allows not to look at it, but to watch a dog. "Lock and set" features protects from overstimulation
  • 100% Waterproof

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Detailed Overview

Author’s Choice

DOG CARE training collar is an ideal training gear that combines quality design and durability. It features robust signals that can be used in different training environments. To ensure safety for the dogs, the collar utilizes low voltage static stimulation. It features three modes – vibration, beep and shock for promoting basic obedience training. The collar comes with a security keypad lock that protects it from unintentional static activation. You can control up to 9 dogs with additional dog devices. 

Pet-friendly low voltage shock, yet to be effective
Wide adjustment range of stimulation from 0 to 99 levels
Silicone covers over the prongs and no metal to dog’s skin for better comfort
No belt clip for the handheld
Just one micro-USB cable for charging. So you can’t charge dog device and handheld at the same time

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People’s Choice

1-100 stimulation levels is not a popular choice for some pet parents and trainers. If you need to lower or increase the level quickly, it is easy to do so using a 1 -16 range collar. PATPET BOOCOSA shock collar is an ideal choice since the static shock is well optimized and handheld with quality ergonomics, an easy access button and a simple design. The blind operation button secures safety and accuracy during use. The standby regime allows consumers to operate this device on a single charge: 365 Days (Remote) & 100 Days (Receiver). 3000 ft remote range ensures maximum control.  

Conductive silicone prongs for safety on pet’s skin
Really long-lasting battery
The collar gets deactivated when the Vibration or Static Shock continuously work over 10 seconds
No way to see charge level on the collar

Premium Choice

Delta Sport XC allows you to use the collar with one hand, featuring three buttons on the front part of the device. The device features an easy to read LCD display screen, and side buttons for easy switching while selecting different configurations during training. For dog trainers looking to work on 1 or 3 dogs with a single handheld device, the whole Delta Series is the perfect fit. It is effective and simple to use – featuring 36 levels of continuous and momentary stimulations and 5 correction based configurations. It can be used to solve different behavioral issues making it a great device for novice dog trainers. 

Simple and easy-to-use with one hand
Rugged and durable
100% waterproof. Handheld can even float
Extended control range up to 3/4 Miles
Integrated BarkLimiter is not the best one. If this the function you need, better buy a special anti-bark collar

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Best Budget

TBI Pro shock training collar is a cost effective device that has been tested in the US on different dog breeds with distinct temperaments. It is quite a popular device used for training Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers etc, in cooperation with professional K9 trainers. The shock collar has a humane system that doesn’t harm the dog’s psyche. It features 1 – 100 adjustment levels that helps decide a suitable stimulation strength. The shock collar is designed with durable ergonomics, is lightweight and waterproof. Featuring an effective LCD display, this shock collar has a good control range. 

Rubber covers over the prongs
Ergonomic and easy in operation handheld
Lightweight collar
Battery life may appear to be not as long as promise

Best Shock-Free Training Collar

Featuring a timeless ergonomic “stopwatch” with a handheld frame, the best part about using this collar is that pet parents can keep watch on their dogs at all times. This training device is not really a shock collar, and doesn’t release bolts of shock. It only delivers a tapping sensation which is similar to a vibration, just slightly intense. With stimulation levels within the range 1 – 100, you can train difficult breeds with this collar even those who’re in prey drive. The collar has a customized low level stimulation that directs your dog without causing undue stress. The Pavlovian Tone is a unique feature in this collar wherein if the button is pressed down, the dog will initially hear 1 ½ second tone, which is followed by a stimulation. Only once the button is released, the stimulation stops. Dogs learn to recognize and respond to the tone with the stimulation and without it eventually. 

100% pet-friendly stimulation
Ergonomic design
Pavlovian tone
Titanium Contact Points causing no irritation
Light on the collar to identify the dog at night
Battery life could be better

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Communicating better with your dog by DogCare

Best Bark Control Collar for Labrador Retriever

Bark control collars don’t require owners to control a dog, and it doesn’t require a handheld device for access in comparison to training collars. The integrated sensors in the wiring of the collar activate it based on stimulus response. You only need to decide and set a necessary mode on the collar beforehand. 

The Gutlileer No Bark collar consists of the Intelligent Chip that helps control a dog’s barking. The collar features 5 levels of adjustable sensitivity and 3 types of training modes – vibration, beep and a gentle safe shock or a no shock mode as an option. No shock mode effectively prevents barking without doing any harm to the dog. 

Easy in operation
Multiple choice of modes
Long lasting battery up to 15 days
Waterproof IPX7
Instructions difficult to understand quickly. But still good customer service.

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What You Need to Know About Bark Collars

Popular models of shock collars come with several features and modes. The new age collars give owners the choice between shock modes, or even get a collar without a shock – just a beep and vibration. The best bark collars are created using smart tech, such that even if other dogs are barking, the device recognizes the bark of your dog and will not get activated on its own. This is a very important feature to ensure the training process goes right and your dog can be conditioned correctly. 


– Sick and Injured Dogs
– Aggressive Dogs
– Dogs under six months

Things To Consider:

  • The collar should always fit properly – if you can fit two fingers between the collar belt and the dog’s neck, then it isn’t tight. 
  • Always reposition the collar on your dog’s neck every two hours to prevent any kind of skin damage. 
  • If your dog has a loud and consistent bark, owing to which the collar activates often, ensure he doesn’t wear it for more than 12 hours. 
  • Always check your dog’s neck to see if the skin has any kind of damage or irritation. Consult a vet immediately if you see any kind of skin irritation. 

Best Shock Collars for Labrador Retrievers – Buyer’s Guide

Modes of E-Collar Stimulation

Beep (Based on Tone)

This feature has the lowest method of exposure since it only indicates a pet’s mistake by sending an alert. The alarm that sounds can also be used as a signal to teach your dog to “come” from a distance, usually when they can’t hear your voice. 

Vibration (Continuous Stimulation)

If your pet does anything out of line or any unacceptable action, the collar releases a vibration. The vibration mode is sufficient enough to ensure your dog listens, but in some cases you may need to alter the vibration mode. 

Shock Impulse (Momentary Stimulation)

The effect of an electric discharge is a shock impulse that has different modes of action. The sensation is similar to physiotherapy so with the right kind of stimulus, your dog will respond to the slight muscle contraction. For electrical stimulation weak currents are used which is adjusted to suit individual dogs and their sensitivities. 

Advantages of Shock Collars for Labrador Retrievers

Immediate Response: Your pet dog will immediately feel the effects of the irritant if he disobeys a command so his reaction is quick and positive. 

  • Easy to Use: In some devices, the shock collar’s control box is handheld and few can be controlled remotely. 
  • Easy to Maintain: Your dog will get used to recognizing and obeying your commands so the training process will be easier. 
  • Ensures Discipline: Your dog will be disciplined because he will understand the vibration/shock or impulse is just another form of punishment. 
  • Maintains Trust: Your dog will create a bond with you while you train and condition him and will treat his collar as a punishment coming from elsewhere. 

What is the Right Age to Use a Shock Collar?

Experienced dog handlers will recommend using a shock collar only once your dog is over six months. Depending on the model and the manufacturer, dog trainers usually train their dogs without a shock collar, and implement it once it becomes a necessity. 

Where are Shock Collars Used?

Education and Training: By training your labrador retriever through shock collars, it becomes easier for owners to cope with behavioral stress and actions. A shock collar can be used on dogs after 6 months and commonly after a year to condition bad behavior. 

Generating Dog’s Response: It ensures your dog responds to oral commands by habit so your dog distinguishes between right and wrong actions. Pet parents need their labrador retrievers to listen to certain commands like “Stay”, “Walk”, “Stop” etc such that they adjust with a family. 

Stop Dogs From Chasing after Animals and Violence: Dogs have an inborn instinct to hunt so if they see wild rodents, cats, cyclists etc they tend to run after such targets. But with a shock collar this action can be prevented with a stimulus that disrupts the behavior. 

Stops Dogs from Getting Aggressive: Some dogs are prone to aggression, may the trigger be food, territory or a toy. The e-collar helps resolve this problem by reminding your dog constantly what happens if they become aggressive, thereby soothing their temperaments. 

Restricts Unwanted Movement: The e-collar automatically allows you to set the boundaries ideal for your dog’s movements. For e.g. if your dog tries to sneak out of his cage or house wall, the collar immediately follows through with an impact that disrupts this behavior. 

Stops Unwanted Actions: Labrador Retrievers have a tendency to chase and retrieve objects by instinct so it is natural if they sniff around and pick up unwanted things like litter, garbage, bones etc, which is unhealthy for their consumption. 

Prevents Unwanted Barking: Many dogs have a habit of barking at the slightest movement, or sound. You can leave your dog at home with an e-collar that has an automated “no barking” trigger. This allows you to leave your dog at home while you’re away at work or out with your family and friends. 

Your dog’s health and life depends on how well you’ve trained him even if it means preventing him to consume toxic food materials that may lead to food poisoning. Your dog’s behavior ensures he can coexist with a family as a pet or adjust to a working dog environment. Aggressive dogs are difficult to keep in a household, and can’t be trained to protect or detect objects. A shock collar imposes discipline and purpose in a dog’s everyday habits and since it comes with a range of control options, these collars are designed to suit different breeds with distinct sensitivities. 

How To Fit Shock Collars Properly?

If you’re thinking of using a shock collar, make sure it is turned off before you place it on the neck. Keep your pet standing down and in a comfortable position. The collar receiver needs to be placed close to his ears. Enter contact points under your pet’s neck to touch the skin and make sure the collar fits snugly but isn’t too tight. Wash your dog’s neck area and the contacts of the collar regularly in a week with a damp cloth. It is recommended the shock collar should not be used over 12 hours. 

Safety Information

It is necessary for pet parents and novice trainers to understand that shock collars need to be handled with care and precision. It must properly fit your dog’s neck without suffocating their necks. If a collar is worn too long, it gets loose and if it is too tight on the pet’s neck, it causes skin irritation. Such collars cause necrosis under too much strain of use therefore should be used correctly and for the right purposes. 

  • Don’t use the collar for more than 12 hours else it causes massive skin infections. 
  • Reposition the collar continuously every 1 to 2 hours to ensure ventilation. 
  • To prevent excessive pressure, always check if the collar fits your dog’s neck properly. 
  • Don’t connect lead with the electronic collar since it causes massive pressure on the contacts. 
  • If you’re using a separate collar for the lead, don’t apply pressure on the electronic collar. 
  • Wash the dog’s neck once a week and the contacts using a damp cloth. 
  • Everyday examine the neck area before and after training sessions for skin irritations. 
  • If you notice a rash or a sore that persists for more than 48 hours, contact your vet immediately to treat the skin infection.

It is important to take necessary measures such that your pet dog remains comfortable and safe during the training period. Many pet dogs get used to wearing stainless steel contacts while some are sensitive to contact pressure. After some time your pet becomes tolerant and will respond to the collar accordingly. It is necessary to check your dog’s neck daily and look for redness or sores; discontinue its use until the skin has completely healed. 

Potential Problems with Shock Collars

If the electric collar is used without prior knowledge it can lead to several problems –

  • Wrong Reflex Action

There are times when a dog might misunderstand the cause and source of the stimulus even if he knows it is a punishment. As a result your dog may develop the wrong reflex to the shock collar so for e.g. if you want your dog to stop an improper action, he may get more aggressive as a defense mechanism. If you’re teaching your dog to not pick up scraps from the street, it gets difficult to condition his behavior in a noisy environment where he can get triggered easily or may mistake noise as the reason for that irritation. So he won’t understand his misconduct but will think the cause and effect are something else. To fix a wrong reflex, choosing the right training environment is important if you’re using shock collars. 

  • Excessive Stimulation

You must understand your dog’s temperament before using a shock collar because too much or too little stimulation can direct your dog’s behavior incorrectly. Don’t use the collar as a punishment for longstanding misconduct because it may damage your dog’s neck and nerves. Nervous disorders like involuntary urination, fear, panic, unwanted aggression and in some cases epilepsy. 

  • Over-Stimulation in Wet Conditions

Even though all shock collars are waterproof, you should avoid using the device in damp conditions or when it rains. Moisture can lead to tangible electrical stimulation since wet skin enhances conductivity of the pulse. This can easily damage your dog’s skin so its important to use the device in the right conditions. 

  • Low Sensitivity

Electronic shock collars will not have the right impact on your dog’s behavior if your dog has low sensitivity. In such cases you can switch to collars that emit vibrations or tones that won’t affect your dog’s overall health. 

Useful Tips While Using Shock Collars

  • One important thing to note for all pet parents is that the shock collar may lead to owners becoming severely dependent on it. Your dog should not expect the collar at all times so when you’re training or walking your pet Labrador, 10 to 15 minutes later try using the collar else he may associate discomfort with the collar. 
  • You cannot push the button continuously if you want to stop any kind of misconduct. Don’t use the collar every second, even if your dog shows slight movements. The shock collar is useful when your dog is doing something wrong but always try an oral command first. The collar is useful for adjusting your dog’s behavior. 
  • Begin your training sessions with minimal impact. This means you don’t have to use the electric stimulation to correct your dog’s behavior right away. Based on feedback from professional dog trainers, dogs respond well to beeps and vibrations. You should only use shock to correct and condition a very bad behavior without feeling the need to increase the shock level. 
  • The shock stimulation setting should be adjusted based on need, observation and result. When you choose the optimal level of stimulation it may be too weak to affect your dog but it may frighten your pet and lead to another reaction. So it is necessary to work on the stimulus progressively. 


If you are careful while using the shock collar, you can train your dog’s behavior correctly without harming your pet’s psyche and health. It is important to remember that the electronic collar is not enough to condition and train your dog. The approach should be subjective to your dog’s progress and reaction to other forms of stimuli. The tool should not be used unprofessionally and should be considered under specific conditions. If you raise your dog properly, e-collars give amazing results especially when you want to build certain habits. Online stores market different kinds of shock collars but you should do your research and check for guarantee before making a purchase.

Julia Powell

Julia is a founder of PetsLifeGuide and an author of articles about German Shorhaired Pointers and accessories for them. She is a specialist about this breed since 2002

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